Typing Game: Owl Planes — How to play & Review

Golden StarGolden StarGolden StarAsh StarAsh Star (3.0/5.0)

Developed by: abcya.com

Should you play?No (We do not recommend)

Check the recommended typing games for INTERMEDIATE level

Target Learner Level: INTERMEDIATE

How to play

Once you open the game, you will notice a "Play" button.

You will see an input box. In this input box, write your name. If you do not want to write your name and use the default name, just click on the "Next" button.

You will see a multiplayer lobby. You can ignore the statistics table. The table is empty most of the time.

Click on the "Play Now" button and a new window will appear.

You will notice four pairs of owls. The first pair (blue and golden) of the owls represents you.

Click on the "Start" button and the game will start after a 5 second countdown.

Now you will see a word above a keyboard. Your job is to keep typing the word one after another.

You will notice that once you finish typing a word, your blue owl will flap. This will happen every time you finish typing a word.

What if you stay idle and do not type anything? The game will end soon.

If you type correctly and fast, you will win just like other typing test games.

Every time you make a typing mistake, you will hear a warning sound. Be careful and type correctly as soon as you listen to the warning sound.

Another interesting thing to note is - your incorrect typing inputs will be ignored no matter how many times you type the incorrect letters.

Once the game is over, you will see your position in the content. You will also see your typing practice test accuracy and rate.

Review Summary

Price: Free

Story: it is a racing game in the air. Owls are the pilots of airplanes.

Graphics: Graphics are really beautiful.

Environmental view: The environmental view of this game is simple but still charming.

Design: Although there are multiple steps to start the game, the game design is good.

Animations: These simple animations are not bad at all and relevant to the game.

Sound effects: We noticed that the sound effects are charming and interesting.

Music: We did not notice any music in this game, did you?

Load time: This game loaded very fast in our Google Chrome browser.

Character details: Although the owl characters are pretty simple, they are created with enough details.

Menu: We did not notice any menu in this game.

Challenges: Typing the words correctly and typing fast are the challenges. Fast finger typing is a must to win.

Progression (slow/fast): Progression is pretty fast.

Limitations: There is no typing test paragraph in this game.

Faults (bugs and glitches) / Weaknesses / Disappointments: We did not notice any bugs or glitches in this game.

Was it an enjoyable experience? (Frustrating/interesting) To be honest, we did not enjoy this game.

Is it addictive and/or satisfying? For us, this game was not addictive.

Replay value: Some players may find replay value in this game.

Do we recommend this game? No.

Review Details

Price: Free Typing Game

Story: There are 4 (four) pairs of owls. Each pair is in an airplane ready to race against each other. Do you want to win? You must type fast to win. Otherwise, you will lose quickly in this fast typing game.

Graphics: We did not find any reason to object about the graphics of this game. Graphics seems to be designed by professional graphics designers.

Environmental view: The environment is clutter-free. Even though it is plain and simple, it is comfortable for our eyes to play this game for a long time.

Design: The game design is successful. The game is successful in teaching typing to intermediate level typing learners. In real life, you type random words. It helps you to practice random word typing.

Animations: We liked the cute little animations of this game. Without these animations, this game could be a boring little game.

Sound effects: The sound effects will not let you get bored. These effects bring a good game playing mood.

Music: We did not understand why they did not use any music in this game. Although they did not use any music in this game, it sounds good.

Load time: This beautiful game loaded within a few moments. We hope this will not take a long time for you too.

Character details: The character details are so good that you do not need any explanation about them. Even a school child will understand these characters and their functions.

Menu: They did not use any menu. They could add keyboard rows and difficulty selection menus. Why didn't they add these menus?

Challenges: There are basically two challenges in this game:

  1. You must type fast. Otherwise, other owl airplanes will fly past you.
  2. You must not make any typing mistake because every typing mistake wastes your valuable time.

Progression (slow/fast): The game does not take a long to finish.

Limitations: This game shows accuracy rate and typing speed but it is not intended for words per minute typing test. You will not see any typing practice paragraphs because this game is only for intermediate level typing learners. We do not know if there is any number typing test included in this game.

Faults (bugs and glitches) / Weaknesses / Disappointments: We did not notice any faults or weaknesses. We were somewhat disappointed to see that there is no row selection or difficulty selection options.

Was it an enjoyable experience? (Frustrating/interesting) We do not know why but we do not enjoy this game. Did you play this game? Did you enjoy it?

Is it addictive and/or satisfying? We did not find this game addictive. The game is somewhat satisfying as it is good for the intermediate level learners.

Replay value: If you like this game, you may find replay value in this game. If you find any replaying value, you may enjoy playing it over and over again.

Do we recommend this game? Sorry but no.

Recommended Games for INTERMEDIATE Level

Only the following free typing games are worth playing if you are an Intermediate level keyboard typing learner.

1. ZType

Golden StarGolden StarGolden StarGolden StarAsh Star (4.0/5.0) — Play now

For: Intermediate Level

Recommendation: Worth Playing
