Typing Game: Type Rush (Street Race) — How to play & Review

Golden StarGolden StarGolden StarGolden StarAsh Star (4.0/5.0)

Developed by: typerush.com

Should you play?Yes (We recommend)

Check the recommended typing games for ADVANCED level

Target Learner Level: ADVANCED

How to play

Go to the game page and you will see a big red circular "START RACE" button. Click on this button.

The cars and sometimes motorcycles will reach near the start line.

You will soon see a green "TYPE!" indicator. You should wait until you see this green indicator.

As soon as you see the green "TYPE!" indicator, you should start typing.

The game will give you a random typing paragraph. You need to type this paragraph to move your car.

The game ends as soon as you finish typing the paragraph.

Finally, the game will show your average typing words per minute based on the typing test paragraph.

Then you can start playing the game again.

Review Summary

Price: Free

Story: You type a paragraph to move your car in this car racing game.

Graphics: This words per minute typing test game has cool graphics. There is no reason to dislike it.

Environmental view: The game has a beautiful and consistent environmental view.

Design: This is a well designed professional game that serves its purpose perfectly.

Animations: The animations are so good that you will get a great game feel just like you play any other full-fledged professional game.

Sound effects: They have used professional sound effects and these effects are cool and interesting.

Music: To be honest I did not like the music of this game.

Load time: The game loads fast within 10 (ten) seconds.

Character details: The cars in this game are beautiful and drawn in details.

Menu: (1) Paint My Car (2) Start Race (3) Change Wheels (4) Store (5) Friends

Challenges: You need to type without making any mistakes. You should also type fast to win in this racing game.

Progression (slow/fast): Progression is pretty fast as you need to type a short paragraph.

Limitations: You cannot practice single letter or single word typing.

Faults (bugs and glitches) / Weaknesses / Disappointments: I did not find any bugs or glitches in this fast typing game.

Was it an enjoyable experience? (Frustrating/interesting) Yes, I enjoyed playing this game. It was interesting too.

Is it addictive and/or satisfying? It is satisfying but I am not sure about the addictive point.

Replay value: You can play over and over again and type different random paragraphs to improve your typing skills.

Do we recommend this game? Yes.

Review Details

Price: Free Typing Game

Story: There are 5 (five) beautiful cars in this game. You are given a car. You can change its color and wheel. The other 4 (four) cars are AI bots. The faster you type, the faster your car moves. Typing mistakes decreases the speed of your car. So, you need to be careful when you type. When you finish typing the given paragraph, the game ends and your typing results are displayed to you.

Graphics: It has beautiful graphics. It has not only more than 5 (five) beautiful cars but also multiple background environments.  

Environmental view: The environmental view of this game is so charming that you will not easily feel bored even if you play this game over and over again.

Design: It is a great game for typing test 10 fast fingers. The designers have done a great job so that the players can practice typing for long hours.

Animations: In this free typing speed test game, animations are so cool that you will get a professional game feel. Everything works so smoothly that it is hard to get bored.

Sound effects: Sound effects are also cool. These effects are different from many other typing games.

Music: I think their music in this game is not great. It will be hard to hear this music for a long time. They should have used better music that we can hear over and over again for a long time.

Load time: The game loaded within 10 (ten) seconds on our personal computer. If your Internet connection is better than mine, the game will load even faster.

Character details: Every car, every background and other items in the game environment are designed in a professional way with proper details.

Menu: They have 5 (five) options in their menu:

  1. Paint My Car: You can paint your car. It is a great option for those who are color blind.
  2. Start Race: To start the game, you need to click on this button.
  3. Change Wheels: Don't you like the default wheels? Change them!
  4. Store: They have many cars. You can use your game cash to buy any car you like.
  5. Friends: You can play with your friends.

Challenges: It has similar challenges just like other typing test games - (a) type fast and (b) type without making any mistakes. You must pay a price for both slow typing and making mistakes.

Progression (slow/fast): You need to type a small paragraph. So, progression is pretty fast.

Limitations: You are able to type only paragraphs. You get no option to type single letters and single words. This game is good for only advanced learners.

Faults (bugs and glitches) / Weaknesses / Disappointments: I did not find any bugs or glitches in this beautiful game. I did not find any weaknesses either. I was definitely not disappointed.

Was it an enjoyable experience? (Frustrating/interesting) I surely enjoyed the game. I think it is an interesting game. I did not find any reason to be frustrated.

Is it addictive and/or satisfying? In my keyboarding test, I was satisfied but I was not addicted to this game. What if you become addicted to this game?

Replay value: I think playing this game can bring benefits for the advanced learners. Typing random paragraphs in this game is fun.

Do we recommend this game? Yes, we surely recommend this English typing test game.

Recommended Games for ADVANCED Level

Only the following free typing games are worth playing if you are an Advanced level keyboard typing learner.

1. Nitro Type

Golden StarGolden StarGolden StarGolden StarAsh Star (4.0/5.0) — Play now

For: Advanced Level

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Nitro Type

2. Type Rush (Street Race)

Golden StarGolden StarGolden StarGolden StarAsh Star (4.0/5.0) — Play now

For: Advanced Level

Recommendation: Worth Playing

Type Rush (Street Race)